The smallest of the IQ range, the IQ3 Glass Washer Disinfector has a 170L chamber capacity is suitable for benchtop or underbench glass washer disinfection.
The IQ3 Glass Washer Disinfector from KEN Hygiene Systems is part of their new range of washer disinfectors designed to facilitate the usage, liability and service of washer disinfectors for the Life Science and Pharma industry. The IQ series is a modular built range that meets all relevant standards such as ISO 15883 and UL.
The elegant design of the IQ3 Glass Washer Disinfector provides a smooth surface in tempered glass that is easy to clean. It has a manual door opening that allows for the door to be used as a loading platform and this practical solution makes the use of a manual loading trolley superfluous.
The IQ3 Glass Washer Disinfector is easy to operate. The keyboard with soft touch program keys is easily accessible and detailed information about the program processes is displayed in the large OLED display.
The IQ3 is constructed to lower all costs in terms of environmental, physical, operational and financial footprint. It has a wide range of racks, trolleys and modules, designed to suit the specific needs of the customer.
All data from the IQ3L, delivered in XML format, is fully exchangeable with common track and trace systems.