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Single Test Weights

Mettler Toledo

Single Test Weights

Mettler Toledo expertly manufactured weights, including Single Test Weights, are used in various application areas. They enable efficient and effective routine testing of weighing instruments, reliable balance and scale calibration or accurate and traceable calibration of reference weights. Choose from OIML or ASTM test weights to check the performance of your weighing device in the range from 50 micrograms to five tons in all accuracy classes, with or without a calibration certificate.

Their stainless steel test weights in the design of knob weights with and without adjusting cavities as well as wire or sheet weights in the milligram range are produced from the finest quality austenitic steel which offers the highest resistance to corrosion over a weight’s lifetime. Our unique manufacturing process involves melting the steel under vacuum (class E1), final-stage electrolytic polishing, fully automated cleaning processes, and final calibration using our mass comparators.


Single Test Weights range FAQs

  • Is it possible to purchase single test weights with or without a calibration certificate? Yes, single test weights are available with or without a calibration certificate.
  • Are the milligram weights (mg) sheet or wire? It depends on a weight class. E1, E2 are always wire weights, F1 can be selected from either wire or sheet weights, F2 and M1 are always sheet weights.
  • What is the OIML or ASTM class range of single test weights? OIML classes range from E1 to M1 and ASTM Classes from 1 to 4.
  • Are single weights only monobloc weights or do they have an adjusting cavity? Weights from E1, E2 Classes are always monobloc, F1 Class weights can be selected from either monobloc or with an adjustable cavity. On the other hand, F2 and M1 are always weights with an adjustable cavity.
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