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Gas Chromatography Columns Explained

Gas Chromatography (GC) Theory & Principles – Gas Chromatography Columns

During the coming year, our partners Shimadzu, will share a monthly webinar on the topic of Gas Chromatography and we will make this available to you here.

This is the second of our 2022 – Gas Chromatography series of webinars on fundamentals of gas chromatography (GC). The series is perfect for anyone currently using GC who would like to understand more about the technique, the hardware used and the data produced. It is also suitable for anyone who is new to GC and who’d like to understand more about it.

This second session will cover:

  • Different types of Gas Chromatography columns
  • The different column dimensions and their relevance
  • Column phases
  • Column polarity

If you are interested in getting more information on the analytical instrumentation offered by Mason Technology, check our Mason Technology resources for GC systems:

For information on Shimadzu instrumentation: 

Sebastian Jurek is an application consultant with Mason Technology with specialist knowledge in the Shimadzu range of instrumentation. He holds more than 22 years experience in chromatography techniques and analytical method development, optimisation and troubleshooting.

Get in touch with Sebastian today if you would like further information on our range of Shimadzu products.

Sebastian-Jurek-application-consultant-with-Mason-TechnologySebastian Jurek
Application Consultant for Shimadzu Chromatography
E:      sjurek@masontec.ie
M:     +353 87 436 4185
T:   +353 1 4154422

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