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Mason Technology Coronavirus Covid-19 Communication to Customers

Mason Technology Coronavirus Covid-19 Communication to Customers

Dear Customer

With the increasing spread of Covid‐19, Mason Technology would like to assure our customers that we are taking all necessary precautions to reduce exposure to this virus and clarify the following:

  • Mason Technology Ltd is regarded as an ‘Essential Service’ under the Government guidelines during this period of COVID‐19 lockdown.
  • Mason Technology Ltd Head Office in Dublin is currently closed however our employees are working from home. At this point in time, we would request that you contact them by email or if you do not have a direct email address please contact info@masontec.ie.
  • Our Engineering Team continues to be fully operational and available as required to attend customer sites.
  • Our hours have been extended to 06:00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday. Weekend site attendance is also available on request.
  • Company implementation of a Coronavirus Prevention Policy.
  • Screening processes and hygiene measures have been undertaken to safeguard visitors to our sites and to our employees.
  • All business travel outside the country has been cancelled for the foreseeable future.
  • Travel ban on employees outside of the Island of Ireland.
  • Regular communication with all employees ensuring that strict guidelines of the Coronavirus Prevention Policy are followed.
  • Where a Mason Technology representative is due to attend customer sites, a communication will be provided advising if the representative had travelled to the restricted areas as listed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) prior to the visit.
  • Mason Technology will endeavour to comply with all reasonable site documentation requirements.
  • We currently do not foresee any impact of our Supply Chain and are in constant contact with our suppliers to monitor the situation.

The protection and safety of our own employees is of paramount importance and we would be grateful if you could assist us by answering the question below to ensure there is no risk when our employees if attending your site:

  • Has any of your employees or anyone they reside with, visited any country outside of the Island of Ireland in the last 14 days?
  • Has  any  of  your  employees  or  anyone  they  either  reside  with  or  have  been  in  close  contact  with,  shown  any symptoms of Covid‐19 in the last 14 days?

If the answer is ‘yes’ there may have been an exposure to the virus, and as a precautionary measure we are unable to allow any Mason Technology personnel visit your site until the 14 day isolation period has been completed.

Scheduled Work

Where a customer postpones contracted scheduled work due to its own restrictions to site, Mason Technology will endeavour to reschedule at the customer request. However we cannot guarantee it will be within the customer’s required timeframe.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for your cooperation.


Peter Brennan

Peter Brennan Managing Director Mason Technology Telephone: 01 4534422

Download the above COVID-19 Customer Communication here: Coronavirus Covid-19 Communication to Customers 14Apr2020


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