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Helium vs. Hydrogen: Lifting your chromatography above the rest

This webinar presented by Shimadzu will cover ‘Helium vs. Hydrogen: Lifting your chromatography above the rest’.

Available on demand

Weighing Processes webinar

Online Webinar

Duration: 1 hour

Shimadzu - Chromatography LCMS, LCPMS, Spetroscopy

‘Helium vs. Hydrogen: Lifting your chromatography above the rest’ is the sixth of Shimadzu’s 2023 Chromatography webinar series, on various techniques applied by scientists, researchers and quality chemists using Shimadzu instrumentation. It doesn’t matter if you are new or you are simply looking for a refresher, this webinar series will guide you through some recent advancements and hot topics in the chromatography world.


This sixth session will cover:

  • Hydrogen as alternative carrier gas
  • Advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen use
  • Impact of carrier gas switching on your GC and GCMS results
  • Special guest from Peak Scientific to discuss the use of gas generators


Want to get more information on analytical instrumentation offered by Mason Technology check our resources:

Link to Chromatography Method Development seminar.

For information on Shimadzu instrumentation: 

Sebastian Jurek is an application consultant with Mason Technology with specialist knowledge in the Shimadzu range of instrumentation. He holds more than 22 years experience in chromatography techniques and analytical method development, optimisation and troubleshooting.

Get in touch with Sebastian today if you would like further information on our range of Shimadzu products.

Sebastian-Jurek-application-consultant-with-Mason-TechnologySebastian Jurek
Application Consultant for Shimadzu Chromatography
E:      sjurek@masontec.ie
M:     +353 87 436 4185
T:   +353 1 4154422

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