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Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020

Tuesday February 11th 2020 marked this year’s “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”.  The day came into being after the United Nations recognised the need to highlight Science and gender equality as a vital component in achieving international agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Research data carried out by UNESCO data (2014-2016) in the area of STEM studies revealed that a low of approx. 30% of all female students in the study sample chose STEM related fields at higher education level (source: United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science).

Mason Technology were delighted to work with the Science Council on their recent podcast communication project. This project marked International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020. The campaign features recordings from over 40 female participants working within the field of STEM and explores topics such as how they started their careers in Science, their views on Science, and challenges if any, that they may have encountered along the way or potentially  face in the future. The Science Council will use the project to highlight the area of STEM as a career option to school children of all genders.

Our following colleagues from Mason Technology were put under the spotlight for the day: Sinéad Quinn, PhD, Product Specialist, Lizzie Gallagher, Product Specialist and Sharon Somers, Business Unit Manager.

A special acknowledgement to Charlotte Cantwell, Marketing and Communications Officer, Science Council  for her recording skills and allowing us to proudly participate in the podcasts celebrating Women in Science.

You can listen to each of the interviews on the links below via Soundcloud, the remaining interviews by Science Council can be played back.

Sinéad Quinn, PhD is a Product  Specialist at Mason Technology.  Sinead is also  a member of The Physiological Society, The Biochemical Society and the Microscopy Society of Ireland. In her interview, Sinéad shares her Science journey to date, from her PhD studies to her current career role as Product Specialist on the Microscopy team at Mason Technology. Listen to Sinéad’s full interview below.

Lizzie Gallagher is a Product Specialist at Mason Technology.  In her interview Lizzie shares her story about her love for Science, after perusing it later in Secondary School as an additional subject, and her views on the importance of women supporting other women. Listen to Lizzie’s full interview below.

Sharon Somers is a Business Unit Manager at Mason Technology. In her interview, Sharon reflects on her beginnings in the field of Science, as well as her current 22-year long career within Mason Technology. Listen to her full interview below.

You can read more about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.


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